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Ay Ay Ay

Hola! Como estas? 

Sorry I must have spent too much time practicing my Spanish while we were in Mexico! 

Yes, our crazy selves decided to take a leap of faith and take a week long Mexican vacation WITH the kids! 

Although it was extremely hot and humid we lived it up, had a great, time, showed the newbies on the trip the ropes, and really enjoyed ourselves. 

We got pretty much everything in that we wanted: 

Mango Deck - we hung out here all day. Zeke played in the waves and built sand castles while we drank, ate, bought cool stuff, and watched the competitions. Zoie slept in the stroller and we figured out a way to keep her cool......dump an Adan and Anis blanket in the bucket of beer ice water and tie it around her head and cuddle with it. What a success 

Shamu slide - while most people go back to their hotel room for a nap before a night out or dinner, we spent our time at the pool until dusk swimming and going down the shamu slide they have at our resort. Zeke was so in love with this slide and the speed it put off was ridiculous. 

Giggling Marlin - this place is famous for their upside down shots. They hoist you up by your feet and give you three shots! After I did it, I thought everyone else including Zeke would, but I was the only true champ here! 

Marina Dinners - we spent 3 night down at the beautiful marina for some delicious food! We went to a DDD suggestion, had a lot of sushi, and one night both kids were asleep and not having the be held by one of us (more on traveling with kids on another post)

Snorkeling - the snorkeling tours are always a blast both on and off the boat. This time we chose a more kid friendly boat since we were able to bring Zoie and needed some shade. Drinks were flowing, food was great, snorkeling was fun, and Zoie stayed cooler than most days! 

Swing Bar - we tried out the new swing bar they have in town. They have swings as barstools! Pretty cool idea. We didn't sit at the bar but got some chairs to relax on the beach. 

We entertained ourselves AND the kids at the same time. WIN-WIN! A lady on the plane told me once both kids have opinions it gets even harder.......


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