The Balloon and Wine Festival is one of the most fun things we look forward to all year. Being that it's in a smaller town, you wouldn't think it's as great as it is. It is a smaller version and cross between Stagecoach, Coachella, and the OC swap meet.
We get our camping spots and camp out all weekend. This year we rented a trailer, which was the best idea with the heat and a 10 month pregnant mama.
They had some great artists set. I was really looking forward to being there with a glass of wine or sangria in hand but Zoie still didn't want to come out.
Friday night the artists were Frankie Ballard and, the most amazing show I've seen put on by, Justin Moore.
Saturday night was the Gin Blossoms and 3 Doors Down. Besides them saying "God Bless You" after every single song, it was a nice throw back to 8th grade.
We had a blast! Zeke loved every single bit of it from his new wagon
To the early morning balloon launch
The balloon glow
The concerts (he continuously asked to go watch the music)
And definitely the motorcycles on Sunday.
Next year should be just as crazy with two kids in tow and lots of fun to be had!
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