Yayyyyy! We are having a little baby girl.
I had a feeling since I was sick for the first 4 months that it was either a really big pain in the ass boy or a girl.
We went to one of our local gender reveal locations to see if they could tell us what we were having. They said coming in at 13 weeks and 6 days would be no problem. Unfortunately, the umbilical chord was right in between the legs and the baby was facing my back.
They scheduled me for another appointment the next day since we had a gender reveal party planned. Same story as the night before, they couldn't tell.
I scheduled myself another appointment the next day, but started doubting their abilities and getting nervous they wouldn't find out in time for our party. I called another place and she got me in right away. After 3 trips to the bathroom, 3 glasses of ice cold water, and some jumping around, she found out what it was.
Because we planned on waiting to find out with our friends and family, she couldn't tell us what she found.
I took a sealed envelope to the baker who made the cake to be ready the next day in time for the party.
Cake cutting time couldn't come soon enough.....
It's a girl!!!!!!
I was so excited! I think Brandon was a little shocked but still excited.
On to the decorating, planning, and turning a whole room pink......
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