Miss Zoie Lynne turned one month old yesterday!!!!!
She is such a great baby. I have said it before and I will say it again.....having a full term baby is very different than having a preemie.
We are all adjusting well.
During the first couple days Zeke was so in love but acting out a little with throwing toys and hitting people. Once Brandon went back to work and Zeke got back into his routine things got a lot better!!!!
Getting out of the house went from taking 2 hours to now taking about an hour. We are definitely gonna have to get better at that when I get back to work.
Zoie is adjusting to liking the car. We still have some long crying episodes where Zeke either begs for Zoie to be closer to him so he can help her or he covers his ears and says "it's too loud"!
She is sleeping great, but no sort of routine. I cannot predict one night from the one before. Sometimes she will sleep 7 hours then wake up and start the every 3 hours or sometimes it will be every 3. I'm just very thankful for coffee in the morning and wine at night!
We have all loved and are all loving every minute of having this precious little priss in our family.
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