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Showing posts from July, 2014

Summer Fun Part 1

This summer is extremely different than last. Last year, work was slow, Zeke was younger (and more fearless), and we took adventures everywhere around here.  This year, on the other hand, I'm on maternity leave, have two kids to entertain, and we are learning a lot with every outing.  I definitely expected that our list of things to do wasn't going to get accomplished with a newborn. Boy was I wrong! I've taken risks to make sure we all have lots of fun. We have accomplished Sea World with a tiny bit of help from my mom  The zoo with a couple friends. The beach....multiple times  Paddle boarding  Our annual pow wow get together A baseball game  Lots of swimming at Grammy and Grampys pool  And some just hanging out too  Being that it's only the end of July we have lots more plans: family visits, more paddle boarding, boating, camping, and our first vacation as a family of four.  I just love making our summers memorable. What kind of summer act...

Zoie Lynne......One Month

Miss Zoie Lynne turned one month old yesterday!!!!!  She is such a great baby. I have said it before and I will say it again.....having a full term baby is very different than having a preemie. We are all adjusting well.  During the first couple days Zeke was so in love but acting out a little with throwing toys and hitting people. Once Brandon went back to work and Zeke got back into his routine things got a lot better!!!!  Getting out of the house went from taking 2 hours to now taking about an hour. We are definitely gonna have to get better at that when I get back to work.  Zoie is adjusting to liking the car. We still have some long crying episodes where Zeke either begs for Zoie to be closer to him so he can help her or he covers his ears and says "it's too loud"!  She is sleeping great, but no sort of routine. I cannot predict one night from the one before. Sometimes she will sleep 7 hours then wake up and start the every 3 hours or sometimes it will be e...

Fourth of July weekend festivities

I  have been anticipating this holiday since I knew my due date with Zoie! It's her first holiday!!!!! In all festiveness, I went out and got myself, Brandon, Zeke, and Zoie enough American themed outfits and accessories for every day of the holiday weekend.  We spent our holiday weekend at my parents, who live in a gated community with a lake, their pool, and a fireworks extravaganza over the lake.  We invited friends over, they invited friends over and we all had ourselves and fabulous time all 3 days!  Sunday was Brandon's birthday so we celebrated Sunday for him.  We celebrate birthday weeks and months in our family so he has a lot more coming his way, at least this week, since two of his presents were a little on the late side and we are having people over for a firework show in our backyard this coming Saturday......

Newborn Sesh

This past weekend we had our friend come over to take Zoie's pictures and throw us in when a good idea came to mind. Although we were a little later than most newborn pictures are supposed to be taken, Zoie cooperated after a lot of food and being put in a deep sleep!  Zeke cooperated only by bribing him with lots of candy, attention, and promises to jump on beds. Family pictures are becoming more and more difficult.....we were able to get ONE shot of all 4 of us and a couple of the two munchkins together.  And the ones that are just heart melting and very large frame worthy.......