Having one of the babes understand a little bit better about Halloween made this year that much more special. We obviously gave Zeke the option of what he wanted to be. His first choice was a penguin. Once we got the Party City catalog we let him look through it and he chose a Ninja Turtle. Since he always has a daycare party, I got both of them. He ended up wearing the penguin costume to go trunk or treating with my mom! Instead of saying the typical "trick or treat", this little penguin made penguin noises "ee ee ee" We took the ninja turtle costume idea and ran with it! Since there are four of them and four of us......we decided to be the four pack for our costumes! As for Halloween night, we had some people over for some festive food, libations, candy passing, trick or treating, and a Bonfire. I love how much fun all the fall festivities have been! Now that Halloween is behind us, bring on Turkey Day, but I'm not going to deny that I am so ready f...